Wednesday, August 6, 2014

7 Addictive Habits You Probably Can’t Quit

7 Addictive Habits You Probably Can’t Quit
When we think addiction, most of us think substance abuse. Crack cocaine, heroin, even the relatively socially acceptable cigarettes and alcohol all come with the stigma of addiction attached. But many psychologists hold that every one of us – from the hard core partier to the stay-at-home parents to the high-flying business people – are slaves to some of the most intractable addictions out there. Some of the most common addictions are even free. And most of us probably don’t even know we’re addicts.
Back in 2008, Stanton Peele – a psychologist who specialises in addiction, and is an adherent of the somewhat controversial school of thought which holds that addiction is not a disease – penned an article on the seven hardest addictions to give up. The methodology for his unusual conclusions can be found here. While some of the most addictive substances Peele lists aren’t particularly contentious, the more generally obvious addictions rank lower on the list than some ‘addictive’ habits or substances which most of us would class as pretty innocuous. The more damaging and more immediately addictive of the list are, Peele’s theory goes, ‘easier’ to give up, while the less obvious and more insidious addictions are arguably less inherently addictive. While we may all use the latter substances or partake in the latter experiences without being addicted, a dependency – once developed – is difficult to identify and more difficult to escape. Below, we’ve compiled information on the seven hardest addictions to give up, elucidating Peele’s theories. Are you an addict? The following list might make you think twice about your response to that question.

7. Cocaine

Cocaine, a stimulant that increases levels of dopamine (that feel-good chemical), is one of the most popular illegal drugs in the world. It’s the second most commonly trafficked drug in the world, and tens of millions of American adults have reportedly used cocaine at least once. A 2006 survey worryingly revealed that over 8% of twelfth grade students had tried the drug and it’s one of the most commonly used illegal substances across the pond in Europe, too. Numbers decline when discussing frequency of use, however – the National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows that 1.1% of 18 – 25 year old Americans have used the drug, but that decreases to 0.6% for the 26 + age group, suggesting that many one-time users quit before they hit their late 20s. If an addiction develops unchecked, though, users’ reward system is dulled and they may find they’re unable to attain a feeling of elation without the drug.

6. Alcohol

It’s generally accepted that alcohol addiction is an intractable one, and most believe that total abstinence is the only way to escape alcoholism. Alcohol is also, of course, one of the most widely and commonly used drugs in the world. Around 90% of American adults over the age of 18 will drink alcohol during their life, and – according to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse – 56% of all adults will have consumed alcohol in the last month. Alcohol use is not synonymous with addiction: Most of those 56% will not be classed as alcoholics. For the around 17 million American adults who do suffer from alcohol use disorders, however, escaping this burden can be very difficult. Dr. Lance Dodes, former director of substance abuse at Harvard’s McLean hospital, reports that Alcoholics Anonymous has a 5% – 10% success rate – this is not an indictment of the organisation, but a testament to just how difficult giving up can be for alcoholics.

5. Valium

Valium was historically one of the most commonly prescribed anti-depressants on the market, but it’s highly addictive if abused. It’s relatively easy to obtain, and socially acceptable – so much so that is gained the nickname ‘Mother’s Little Helper’, marking it out as a drug that’s thought to be most commonly abused by middle-aged, middle-class stay-at-home moms. This cutesy nickname is misleading, and belies the insidious nature of this highly addictive and hard to quit drug. Prescription of valium and other anti-depressants reportedly reached 60 million in 2010. Withdrawal symptoms are similar to cocaine, in that someone dependent on anti-depressants can have difficulties producing ‘happy’ chemicals without it. The pseudo-respectability and attainability of prescription drugs means addiction can go on unchecked for long periods of time, making it all the more difficult to quit.

4. Heroin

Heroin and any other intense analgesics aren’t easy to obtain. Heroin is a Class A illegal drug – but it’s almost impossibly addictive to those who try it. Other powerful analgesics are often carefully administered in hospitals – lots of us may have had morphine after an operation, for example, without becoming dependent. But the dangerous mix of chemicals in heroin, the impossibility to trace its origins or its contents, and the unmonitored way in which it’s taken make it a powerfully dangerous cocktail which can be – and very often is – highly and even fatally addictive. Heroin use has increased in recent years, as it become cheaper and more accessible. Users increased by 300,000 – almost 100% – between 2007 and 2012. Worryingly, a market for the drug has emerged among the ever-increasing number of people who have become dependent on other weaker, too-freely prescribed pain killers.

3. Cigarettes

Around 20% of Americans smoke cigarettes habitually. It’s a dangerous habit, the risks of which we’re constantly warned. Yet, a fifth of the American and European populations indulge in it. This fact, in itself, tells us a lot about just how addictive smoking is. The smoking cessation industry is currently valued at around $219 million, and is growing year on year. The investment being made in quitting smoking isn’t reflected in the numbers of people who are actually quitting –  the smoking cessation industry is growing while the global tobacco consumption per capita continues to increase, indicating that knowledge of the dangers of smoking combined with the will to quit still isn’t sufficient for most smokers to quit the habit.

2. Fatty Foods

A 2011 report by Bloomberg stated that ‘fatty food (are as) addictive as cocaine’. The report, drawing on research by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, states that fatty foods can affect the brain in the same way as cocaine and nicotine, creating a boost of short term satisfaction and sending feel-good chemicals around our bodies. Like smoking, the dangers of junk food are widely proven and universally known but the junk food and fast food industries remain both powerful and rich. Processed foods, candies and fast food consumptions are increasing year on year, while the fast food industry spends a reported $2 billion a year on marketing – much of which is aimed at children. Child obesity is growing at an alarming rate, having increased by more than 100 % in the last thirty years. It’s been proven that obesity in childhood  is highly likely to progress into obesity in adulthood, a fact which suggests that an addiction to fatty foods isn’t one that’s easily quit once developed.

1. Love

No, really: Addiction specialist Dr. Peele maintains that love is the addiction which is more difficult to quit than any other addictive substance or habit. He states that ‘it certainly cause more murders and suicides than any other addiction’ which is perhaps a bold and certainly a questionable statement, especially when we consider that annual deaths from heroin alone in the United States totalled over 3000 in 2010. Dr. Brenda Schaeffer, author of ‘Love or Addiction? The Power and Peril of Teen Sex and Romance’, reports that 1 in 2 teens have gone against their core beliefs to suit a partner, while 1 in 4 teens say their partner tried to limit the time they spent with their other loved ones. Such unhealthy behaviours are markers of love addiction, and if the stats are to be believed it’s startling widespread. What makes it so hard to ‘quit’ love addiction? Peele maintains that our psyches are, universally, programmed to be responsive to love and its imitations. Everyone loves love and the physical, psychological and emotional responses triggered by it. An addiction to love, one of the most primal needs, is all too easy to feed and all too difficult to turn our backs on. Repeated patterns of unhealthy, abusive or dangerous sexual and romantic relationships could indicate a love addiction.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The 10 Most Internet Addicted Countries in 2014

The 10 Most Internet Addicted Countries in 2014
Greetings weary web travelers. We wager you’ve had a long journey through the annals of cat memes, advertisements and sexy content that is the internet, and we’re glad to offer you refuge for the time being.
If you’re ashamed about how long you’ve been browsing today, we assure you we’ve been here longer. It takes a raging internet junkie to meet the challenge of feeding the hoard’s internet addiction, someone who is content scouring the web’s unholy corridors 9-5 for information worth sharing. Someone so deeply in denial about their addiction they’re convinced it can lead to personal growth if nourished properly. We, the people who bring you the fascinating information you stumble across online, are so hopelessly consumed by the web’s instant access to information that our only solace is that we might be revelling in disturbing serial killer stories, Disney scandals, and the size of celebrity butts with other addicts like yourselves.
Some consider the internet an essential utility of modern life like water and electricity. Maybe we’re not quite that dependent yet, but could technological channels one day be the only way humankind accesses information? Why use your brain to retrieve that personal “elementary school science” file you locked away in the 7th grade when you can just pluck it from the ubiquitous internet ether at the same speed, or let’s face it, much faster? As science fiction-esque as that sounds, most of us probably couldn’t think up a poignant explanation of why the sky looks blue faster than we could Google one.
So maybe it’s not such an exaggeration after all. With this list of 2014’s most internet addicted countries, feel free to celebrate the miracle of universal connectivity (or mourn the imminent loss of subjective knowledge and usher in the new age of robosapien) and endless pictures of cute kittens.
The following 10 countries are listed by percentage of the population that has used the internet in the last year, as sourced from the International Telecommunications Union. Rankings compiled by the 2014 Social Progress Index.

10. Switzerland: 85.2% of population

A 2012 Google study found Switzerland has among the fastest internet connections in the world, and while you’d think older generations have been slow to embrace it as an essential skill of modern life, these figures suggest otherwise. Nearly a third of the Swiss population is over 55 yet only 15% of the country hasn’t used the web in the last year. Considering that rate is 10% higher than just four years ago, Switzerland may be totally plugged in within a decade or two.

9. Canada: 86.8% of population

Canadian internet addicts suffer the agonizingly First World problem of having some of the worst connections in the developed world. A recent Net Index ranked Canada’s upload speed at 5.67 Mbps, far below the global average of 7.6 Mbps, and while some regions do have much faster access available, the country’s service providers (all two of them) offer exceptionally uncompetitive rates. Many believe Canada’s web services are actually hamstrung by a sort of duopoly, which could be a harsh reality to 86.8% of the population who would appear to be paying more for less.

8. United Kingdom: 87% of population

The UK was one of the first countries to develop a modern web infrastructure, and the .uk country code itself has been active since the mid-80s. As you can imagine, then, citizens have had plenty of time to get outright addicted to browsing. Unlike Canada, the broadband service market in the UK is said to uphold strong competition thanks to regulatory measures that provide competing providers equal access to better connectivity. But there’s also a murkier side to the country’s online habits: The UK’s Internet Watch Foundation — a body tasked with the takedown of illegal web content — has made some questionable censorship calls in the past, calling the future of net neutrality in the nation into question.

7. New Zealand: 89.5% of population

It seems New Zealand has gotten a little self-conscience about having the 46th highest download speed in the world. The government currently funds a huge web initiative to bring fibre internet to 75% of the population by the end of the decade, which could see their speeds increasing by up to ten times. They also plan to take broadband to virtually all rural users and reach a connectivity rate of 97.8% by 2019, adding millions of new addicts to the already considerable hoard.

6. Finland: 91% of population

Like the UK, Finland was one of the first countries to develop a comprehensive web infrastructure and establish their own country code, .fi. Finnish policy makers have long kept web access a priority issue, as the first country to declare not just broadband access, but fast broadband access a human right in 2009. Telecom companies have since been required by law to provide all 5.2 million citizens with a connection running at, at least, 1 megabit per second. Today 91% of the population uses the web, and the country still pushes ahead aiming for 100 megabits per second for all citizens by 2015.

5. Denmark: 93% of population

Google’s 2012 study found Denmark has the sixth fastest desktop internet speed tied with Switzerland, and the second best mobile speed in the world behind South Korea. In a country with 93% of the population online, internet censorship has become a growing issue concerned with explicit material featuring children, drug sales, unlicensed online gambling, and, perhaps less unanimously concerning, file-sharing websites like The Pirate Bay.

4. Netherlands: 93% of population

With an average speed of 3.3 seconds per webpage, the Netherlands boasts the fastest desktop internet speeds among the internet-addicted countries. After the country’s 2010 initiatives, the availability of fibre internet exploded from around 700,000 homes to over 7 million, across more than half the country’s municipalities. Moreover, as the second (and first Western) country in the world to legislate network neutrality (which is currently seriously threatened in the US), the Netherlands has become exemplary of countries with progressive web policies.

3. Sweden: 94% of population

94% of Swedish residents currently access the web, with desktop and mobile speeds ranking 8th and 5th in the world respectively. Sweden remains renowned for its free and uncensored internet access, hence serving as the home base for hugely influential and polarising torrent site The Pirate Bay for a time. However, recent anti-piracy measures led Swedish police to arrest Peter Sunde — an Interpol-wanted co-founder of the file-sharing giant — last month on copyright violations. The country’s tolerance for file-sharing seems challenged by Sunde’s $6.9 million in charges and a jail sentence, though his website — a beacon of web freedom for many — lives on through a different organization in a different country.

2. Norway: 95% of population

In 1971, via satellite connection to the US’ ARPANET defense project and progenitor of the modern World Wide Web, Norway was the very first non-English speaking country online. As you’d probably expect, today the country ranks among the top 10 desktop and mobile internet speeds globally. Thanks to the dissemination of fibre-optic broadband, there are now remote communities here that lack running water in near-Arctic climates, yet enjoy some of the fastest internet connections in the world. Only 5% of the Norwegian population remains unconnected.

1. Iceland: 96.2% of population

Iceland doesn’t have one of the fastest desktop internet speeds in the world, and it doesn’t have one of the fastest mobile speeds in the world. But the best portrait of humanity’s web future lies in this frigid geographically remote country. The reason isn’t just that 96.2% of Icelanders access the web, but that all of them use some of the cheapest and most renewable energy sources in the world to do so. In a future of total connectivity and gargantuan data centers which consume overwhelming amounts of electricity, Iceland promises to be a major hub of international web traffic, as well as an icon of universal and sustainable access.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Top 10 States Buying the Most Sex Toys

Top 10 States Buying the Most Sex Toys
If you’re single, in a committed a relationship or have been married for years, the desire for something a little more tantalizing in the bedroom may be too much to ignore. Everyone has their own way of spicing things up, and for the 10 states listed below, it may take the form of something a bit playful.
Thanks to the anonymity of online shopping, people no longer have to fear the potential embarrassment of being seen shopping inside an adult toy store. According to Adam & Eve, an American manufacture of adult sex toys, people will spend up to $15 billion per year on these sorts of toys, with the vibrator being by far the most popular choice. Sex toys are no longer always associated with a shady scene, as the taboo has all but fallen away. It’s not just for the independent woman or swinging bachelor either. Almost 80% of women who use a sex toy are in a relationship, and of the 20% of women who partake in self-pleasure on a regular basis, 60% of them own and use a toy.
Business that thrive often do so because they know their customer, and Adam & Eve has the statistics to prove that they know theirs. Presented below are the 10 American states that, according to the manufacturer, purchase the most sex toys per capita. And it’s not always the places with the most people that do the most buying. In their tally, they quip: “Low population states for the win! It must get awfully lonely there…”
Despite the relatively low populations, the sex toys in these states are outselling those even in America’s most populous states.

10. Wyoming

Wyoming is known as quite a religious state and it’s also reputed for its stunning mountain ranges and lush valleys. When a good portion of the residents aren’t visiting the beautiful Yellowstone National Park or one of their many natural wonders, there’s a good chance they’ll be enjoying a rather more indoor-appropriate pastime. Wyoming ranks among the top 10 states that buy the most sex toys, anything from vibrators to finger-sized ticklers.

9.  Alaska

Alaska is the northernmost state in America. It’s cold, but in addition to heavy parkas and wood-burning fires, Alaskan citizens have found some fun ways of keeping warm on freezing days and nights. As the 9th American state that purchases the most pleasure toys, there’s probably little shortage of hot and heavy action, whether the operators of these orgasmic gadgets are working solo, or with a willing and enthusiastic partner.

8. North Dakota

The great state of North Dakota has a small  population, ranking as the 3rd least populous state in America. Even though they rank low on the population side, they rank close to the middle on the top 10 list of sex toy purchasers. Bordering with the Canadian provinces Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and the states of Minnesota, Montana, and South Dakota, North Dakota is surrounded by vast stretches of open land and prairies. When things get a little too boring, a trip to the online toy store may be in order.

7. Montana

The cowgirls and cowboys of the great state of Montana aren’t shy about giving themselves a little attention. After all, the state isn’t exactly a metropolis with a brimming population, so it might make sense that meeting a sexual partner is a little more difficult than usual here. When company is scarce, many citizens instead choose to make their own fun, purchasing a treat designed to satisfy their needs. They’re the 7th most prolific state in the purcahse of sexy playthings.

6. Vermont

What better way to unwind after a long day of skiing in Vermont than to curl up next to a warm fire – and your favourite electric appliance? Number 6 on the list is Vermont, the beautiful state nestled in the New England region of the north-eastern United States. That number might be surprisingly high for some, as Vermont has the 2nd oldest median age, and, as of 2012, is one of the most religious states in America with 23% of the population identifying as “very religious.”

5. New Hampshire

New Hampshire is small. Tucked away in the North-Eastern side of America, bordering Maine near the Atlantic coast, the population here is only about 1.3 million, a fraction of some of America’s biggest cities. As small as it is, New Hampshire ranks significantly high on states buying personal toys that keep them busy and happy. Throughout history, the state has experienced some of the largest earthquakes that have ever occurred in that area. It seems, though, that natural disasters may not be the only earth-shattering events here…

4. Maine

Once again, the region of New England makes another appearance in our list. Maine is a nice spot, along with New Hampshire, right on the Atlantic ocean. It could be the salty sea air or the frigid northern winters that makes Maine’s citizens’ libido sky rocket, urging people to visit their favourite online store or dimly lit high street shop to buy their own sexual gem.

3. West Virginia

Just above Virginia and Kentucky, West Virginia sits among the Appalachian mountains. When residents and tourists aren’t cave diving, whitewater rafting, fishing, or simply enjoying the bright autumn colours of their forests, they could well be found enjoying themselves in other ways where the soothing sights and sounds of nature are replaced by the soothing qualities of a different sort.

2. Idaho

Potatoes: check. Sex toys: double check. Idaho’s state motto is “Let it be forever.” We don’t live in a world where moments of pleasure last forever, but that doesn’t stop the multi-cultural population of Idaho from trying. They rank as one of the top 2 states in all of America who most enjoy purchasing fun-loving adult toys.

1. South Dakota

young couple in love kissing each other
Dakota makes the list again, but this time, it’s South Dakota. The underlying factors that account for the discrepancies between the two states’ purchase frequency of sex toys are not yet accounted for, but it might have to do with South Dakota’s steadily decreasing population. If there are less people around to meet and perhaps start a relationship with, the smaller the chances that you’re getting completely satisfied in a few key areas of your personal life. So South Dakotans are more likely than any other Americans to look for their between-the-sheets fun in toy form.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

10 Lies About Coca-Cola You Might Think Are True

10 Lies About Coca-Cola You Might Think Are True
There’s something about Coke that makes people enjoy spreading lies about it. Perhaps it’s the topic of choice for many rumormongers because falsehoods about Coke often end up spreading far and wide. And how about the public? What is it about Coca-Cola that makes people especially susceptible to lies about it?
The “artificial” nature of Coke products must have something to do with its being a magnet for rumors. Unlike commercially marketed juice drinks, which people associate with the fruits from which they came, Coke seems to be an entirely “manufactured” beverage. Hence, people find it plausible that the chemists in Coca-Cola manufacturing plants use strange ingredients and do strange things to come up with their products. Furthermore, the public seems to be receptive to the idea that monstrous corporations such as Coca-Cola are involved in various conspiracies to maintain their competitive edge.
Here are ten lies spread about Coca-Cola that a significant percentage of the public still believes are real:

10. A Glass of Coca-Cola Can Dissolve a Tooth Overnight

No one is sure exactly where this myth about Coca-Cola began, but it’s one that we can imagine a mother telling her children to stop them from drinking the carbonated beverage. However, there is a record of someone giving testimony on the falsehood during a 1950 committee hearing at the U.S. House of Representatives. More specifically, Cornell University’s Clive McCay told American congressmen that the sugar in Coke caused cavities and that leaving a tooth in a glass of Coca-Cola for two days would result in the tooth being dissolved. In rebuttal, Coca-Cola’s top chemist, Orville May, correctly explained that anything that contained phosphoric acid and sugar, including fresh orange juice, would dissolve teeth after some time — but definitely not in one or two days. Furthermore, May correctly pointed out that people do not hold food and beverages in their mouths for hours, more so for days, thus making the “tooth in a glass of Coke” example a grossly misleading one.

9. Coca-Cola Created the Modern Image of Santa Claus

Sometime in 2000, the following information about Santa Claus was widely circulated via email:
The jolly old St. Nick that we know from countless images did not come from folklore, nor did he originate in the imaginations of Moore and Nast. He comes from the yearly advertisements of the Coca-Cola Company. He wears the corporate colors — the famous red and white — for a reason: he is working out of Atlanta, not out of the North Pole.
Attached to the email was the image of a Coca-Cola advertisement that showed Santa Claus as the overweight, white-bearded man that we know him as today. And as was the case for many falsehood-bearing emails of those days, a huge number of those who read the piece took its contents as fact. The truth is, however, that the image of the jolly red-suited Santa existed long before Coca-Cola started to feature him in its print advertisements beginning in the 1920s. In fact, the usual image of Santa began to appear in other advertisements as early as 1906. As for the true beginnings of the modern image of Santa Claus, it appears that his appearance is the result of an evolution that came about after decades of peoples’ tastes shaping his features.

8. To Ensure Secrecy, No Employee Knows the Complete Coca-Cola Formula

The exact rumor is that only two Coca-Cola executives know the exact formula for Coca-Cola and that each one of them only has half of it — an ingenious business practice, except that Coca-Cola doesn’t really carry it out. In all likelihood, many Coca-Cola employees know how their beverages are made. However, the company hasn’t exerted a lot of effort in dispelling the secrecy rumor either. Truth is, the perception that the Coca-Cola formula is a tightly guarded secret seems to work in Coca-Cola’s favor by making the product appear to be a highly valuable one. In fact, the company has occasionally added fuel to the fire of the secrecy rumor. For example, 1916-1931 Coca-Cola head Ernest Woodruff occasionally spoke to the media about the company’s extreme secrecy measures for their prized products. Research today seems to dispel those claims, though.
Nevertheless, it’s interesting to note that Kentucky Fried Chicken does implement a variation of the clever business practice — its secret blend of herbs and spices are mixed at two different locations then combined at a third.

7. Coca-Cola Is Owned by the Mormons

There’s just something about Mormons that makes people love to spread rumors about them. Some of these fabricated stories include how Mormons believe there are people on the moon and that they think God had sex with Mary to create Jesus. And then there’s the one about Coca-Cola — about how Mormons secretly own the company and have been made incredibly rich by it. Surprisingly, there are still some who think the story is true and even point out how ironic it is that Mormons themselves are forbidden from consuming caffeinated drinks (again, another twisted truth).
The reality is that Coca-Cola is a publicly traded company with 5% of its shares being held by founders’ relatives and former and current executives of the business, while a huge chunk of the rest of the shares are owned by various mutual and institutional fund owners, plus some other individual investors. Of course, some of them may actually be Mormon, but the caffeinated beverage company is definitely not owned by the Mormons as a whole.

6. Pouring Coca-Cola Onto Raw Pork Will Result in Worms Crawling Out of the Meat

This rumor is really about pork, but somehow, Coca-Cola — the wonder liquid that it is — was incorporated into the story. The falsehood goes that pouring Coke over uncooked pork, such as a pork chop or bacon, will result in tiny worms coming out of the meat. The rumor even goes on to label the creatures as tapeworms and explain that Coke will make them move out of the meat since the beverage is toxic to them. Other versions of the myth involve drawing an outline around a slab of pork then pouring Coke over it to observe the pork “moving on its own” beyond the lines.
A fake video of the supposed phenomenon helped spread the rumor even more widely and caused a countless number of people to swear that they would never eat pork again. The truth, however, is that pork is normally free of worms unless larvae grow on it after the pork (any meat, actually) is exposed to flies that could lay their eggs on them.

5. Drinking Coca-Cola With Aspirin Will Result in a High (or Death)

In the early 1930s, a doctor from Illinois requested the “Journal of American Medical Association” to inform the public that teenagers were putting aspirin into their Cokes because doing so resulted in an intoxicating beverage that eventually resulted in addiction. However, because the man’s claim was found to be baseless, his letter was set aside. For some reason though, the rumor gained traction, and soon it was accepted by several as true, some even claiming to have experienced the “Coke-aspirin effect” for themselves. When news of the supposedly accessible “drug” spread, some parents, perhaps to stop their children from trying the concoction, told their children that drinking Coca-Cola with aspirin could kill a person — of course, also a lie.

4. Drinking Diet Coca-Cola Then Swallowing a Mentos Can Kill You

The effect of dropping a piece of Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke is quite well-known. In fact, several videos featuring the reaction have been posted on YouTube. Here’s one of the more popular ones:
Those who first learn about the dramatic “Mentos – Diet Coke effect” might very well ask, “So what would happen if I swallow Mentos right after drinking Diet Coke?” Probably taking off from that idea, someone came up with an email about a boy in Brazil who died after eating Mentos and drinking Diet Coke — clearly pure fiction since chewing on a Mentos would destroy its surface and make it unable to create a dramatic effect. Furthermore, even if the Mentos were swallowed whole after guzzling down gallons of Diet Coke, acids in the stomach would neutralize the substances and result in no noteworthy effect, except a tolerable stomachache at worst.

3. The Cursive Coca-Cola Logo Features a Cocaine Snorter

Screen Shot 2014-06-30 at 3.16.04 AM
The rumor that Coca-Cola’s cursive logo, set vertically, reveals the image of a hat-wearing man snorting cocaine would have been a terrific clincher for another cocaine-related rumor about Coke — that the company induces Coke addiction by including trace amounts of cocaine in its beverages. Actually, that Coke once contained cocaine was true until 1929, before coca leaf extract was altogether eliminated as an ingredient of the product. However, even before 1929, the amount of cocaine in Coke was so small that it couldn’t have possibly caused a significant effect in consumers. So why then is there a cocaine-snorting man hidden in the Coca-Cola script logo? Well, it can’t possibly be a cocaine snorter that appears in the logo designed by Frank Mason Robinson in 1886 — unless he could see into the future. At that time, cocaine was an over-the-counter product, and no one snorted cocaine then since it was a liquid product.

2. Coca-Cola Is Willing to Pay Fines for Lying About Calorie Content

An email containing the following text circulated sometime around 1990:
There was an old rumour that stated that a particular diet soda company (Coke I believe) paid a fine to print their cans as stating that the soda had ‘just one calorie’. According to the rumour, companies who knowingly printed misinformation on the nutritional facts of their product would have to pay a fine. The company in question figured it could make more money by convincing people the product only had 1 calorie than it would cost to pay the fine, meaning a higher profit margin for them.
The strategy would have been a brilliant one for Coca-Cola if it were true. But that would have made the Food and Drug Administration absolutely irresponsible for allowing Coke to continue falsely advertising its products simply by paying a fine. Alas, the rumor is a myth as even if Coca-Cola could afford to pay such a fine for false advertising, it certainly wouldn’t be able to survive the slew of lawsuits filed by diabetics.

1. The Failed “New Coke” Was a Ploy to Bring Attention to “Classic Coke”

Coca-Cola is so wildly successful that people find it hard to believe that failure of “New Coke” in 1985 was unforeseen by the company. Instead, some people found it more plausible that Coke wanted to revive interest in “Classic Coke”, so it marketed “New Coke” to get people to miss the original product. In so doing, when “Classic Coke” came back, it would enjoy a marked spike in sales. However, despite how brilliant that marketing ploy would have been for Coca-Cola, the truth is that the company simply committed a miscalculation when it marketed “New Coke”.
In 1982, after Diet Coke was introduced to the market, the beverage shot up to become the fourth most purchased soft drink in America behind only Coke (#1), Pepsi (#2), and 7-Up (#3). An unfortunate consequence was that Pepsi managed to close in on Coke’s lead, and even if the true reason for that was because many Coke drinkers had shifted to Diet Coke, Coca-Cola didn’t want Pepsi to be able to say it was the #1 carbonated drink in the United States. The solution that Coca-Cola came up with was to make Coke taste more like Pepsi, which studies had shown was favored by more people in terms of taste. The ploy turned out to be huge mistake as replacing Classic Coke with New Coke caused widespread consumer outrage, and Coca-Cola had practically no choice but to bring the old formula back after just a week of New Coke’s debut.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

10 Best Places To Find Love In Summer 2014

10 Best Places To Find Love In Summer 2014
Taking long walks on sandy shores, and setting off sparklers in empty parking lots. Backpacking across Europe, hitting all the major cities; or riding shotgun from the East Coast to the West. Kissing as fireworks explode high above your head, feeling like this could last forever. And realizing that, in just a few short weeks, your relationship with this fun, intriguing person – who’s opened your mind in ways you never could have imagined – just might come to an end.
Oh, the pleasure (and pain) of seasonal romances. Somehow the knowledge that our newest love connection comes pre-stamped with an expiration date isn’t enough to stop us from falling for that special someone. While it may feel like it will last forever, the reality is that it may be pretty hard to keep the spark alive once fall rolls around.
So what is it about summer romances that makes them so irresistible? Is it the sultry weather and skimpy clothes? Or is it the fact that we get to take a break from the real world and focus all our time and energy on the things we love? Perhaps it’s the skimpy clothes – let’s face it, it’s been a long time since those chiseled abs and long legs have made an appearance. Whatever it is, knowing your relationship probably won’t survive the summer shouldn’t stop you from getting to know someone special and having a good time. After all, all good things must come to an end; and that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun while it lasts.
Whatever your reason, summer is the season for promises of a fun time with no strings attached (though the romantic among us may be hoping to attach a few strings come September). Whether you’re studying, interning, working abroad, or just taking some time out to explore a new place, here’s a list of the hottest places to find love this summer.

10. Paris

Photo by James Whitesmith
Photo by James Whitesmith
Paris, France: that city branded in our collective memories from countless novels and movie scenes as the place for romance. Hang out in a Parisian garden and wait for a suave and accented Frenchman to approach you and show you the ropes; or get yourself to an impressionist museum for a classy lady (who may or may not be impressed with your rendition of “Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?”). You’re in for a summer of wining and dining on the finest Parisian wines, breads and cheeses, as well as stimulating intellectual conversations about French history and literature as you float down the Seine (and if you manage to score that most classic of kisses in front of the Eiffel Tower, then consider the summer a resounding success).

9. Las Vegas

Photo by O Palsson
Photo by O Palsson
You might not find love here but you’re guaranteed to find lust. It isn’t called “Sin City” for nothing: if you’re looking for non-stop action this summer, Las Vegas is the place to be. From the classic MGM Grand to the modern Venetian, the city’s hotels and buildings seem engineered to attract tourists. There should be no trouble meeting someone while walking along the Strip; and if there is, head on over to one of the city’s many clubs and lounges for a good time. If you can pull yourself from the slot machines long enough to snag a sinful beauty, take them to the Bellagio fountains for some romantic hand-holding, or cozy up for some nice conversation at a late-night bar. (Or you could take advantage of the other meaning of “strip.” Just remember, what happens in Vegas…)

8. Rio De Janeiro

Photo by Mike Vondran
Photo by Mike Vondran
There are a lot of hot bodies to go around during Carnaval; unfortunately, the February festival is not the most convenient event to attend if you’re on American summer time. But don’t fret; there’s still plenty to do during Brazil’s winter months. The weather is cool at around 77 degrees but still warm enough to hit the beaches and meet someone (though you may have to bring a sweater). If you and your sweetheart are still feeling a bit chilly, dance the samba at one of the many street shows, or crawl your way through several Brazilian pubs. (Or you can slide between the sheets for your own private dance session; that’s sure to warm you right up.)

7. Hong Kong

Photo by Haydn Hsin
Photo by Haydn Hsin
English is an official language in this place where East meets West, so language should be no barrier to love. Hong Kong is full of places to meet people: the hot spot Lan Kwai Fong, located in Central, is known for its vibrant nightlife and an attendant potential for meeting strangers in dark, lustry bars. Meanwhile, the stylish Soho entertainment district provides a classier place to mingle. Find yourself a rare gem in the Pearl of the Orient, then take a junk (a traditional Chinese ship) to one of Hong Kong’s secluded islands for a private lunch. End the night on a high note by riding the Peak Tram to the top of Victoria Peak, and gaze upon the city lights in all their glorious splendor.

6. Gold Coast

Photo by eGuide Travel
Photo by eGuide Travel
If you’re looking for surf and sun, head down under to Australia’s Gold Coast. The weather is pleasant year-round, so the winter months are still pretty warm. Surfers Paradise is an area full of nightclubs, bars, and shopping centers that are packed day and night. Find yourself a thrill seeker and spend the day at one of the city’s many amusement parks. You’re advised to avoid Wet’n’Wild Water World during the winter, unless you fancy catching a cold, but don’t worry; there’ll be plenty potential for other, ahem, wet and wild rides during your stay.

5. Cape Town

Photo by Jacky W.
Photo by Jacky W.
For those of you not too keen on sunshine, consider heading south for the winter. Winter is Cape Town’s best keep secret: tourism is down, so not only are lodgings, restaurants, and attractions less expensive, but your chances are higher of meeting that local lad or lady who can show you all that Cape Town’s winter has to offer. If you manage to capture a nature lover’s heart, take them on a surf break, or for a hike up Table Mountain, or go whale watching; winter is the peak time for all of these activities. Afterwards, get some R&R at a traditional and exotic African spa, or cozy up for some wine and a lavish feast at one of the city’s many magnificent restaurants.

4. Miami

Photo by joiseyshowaa
Photo by joiseyshowaa
If you just have to hit the sand while the summer sun is blazing, then Miami’s the place to heat things up. Miami is regularly cited as one of the best cities to find love; so grab your swimsuit and prepare to woo or be wooed on the shores of South Beach. There’s no shortage of places to socialize, so take advantage of the vibrant nightlife and find yourself someone to love. Once you’ve got your sun-kissed cutie, head to South Pointe Park for some fun in the sun, or take your summer love to new heights with a helicopter ride over the city.

3. Tokyo

Photo by Yoshikazu Takada
Photo by Yoshikazu Takada
Those of the Asian persuasion will have no trouble meeting people in this city of 13 million. Tokyo’s divided wards make it easy to find someone with similar interests, whether that’s geeking out over video games in Akihabara or shopping for upscale luxury items in the Ginza. If the nightlife is more your scene, spend the evening at one of Shibuya’s many night clubs, restaurants, and bars. Once you’ve found your soulmate, ride to the top of Tokyo Tower and chat while you take in an amazing view of the city.

2. San Francisco

Photo by Bob Dass
Photo by Bob Dass
The Bay Area has nightclubs, lounges and bars teeming with singles looking to have a casual, fun time. As the area’s cultural center, the city also offers options for anyone with an intellectual bent. Looking to expand your mind? Head to Nightlife at the Academy or After Dark at the Exploratorium. Once you’ve found your mind mate, have lunch at Crissy Field over stimulating conversation, or ponder the mysteries of the universe as you walk hand in hand across the Golden Gate Bridge. If you ever tire of talking, the two of you can take a hike up the Twin Peaks for a spectacular view of the city at night. San Francisco is truly a great place for romance, all year round.

1. New York

Photo by Aurelien Guichard
Photo by Aurelien Guichard
Known for its arts and culture, this diverse city has a little something for everyone. There are over eight million people crammed into 305 square miles, so you’re sure to find someone who’s everything you’re looking for (and more). Visit Central Park during one of its open-air performances to find that special someone who shares your passion for 17th century theatre. If the outdoors aren’t your thing, there are many other museums, theatres, art galleries, and nightclubs where you can meet people. Whether it’s a quickie in Queens or a hook up in Harlem – or a timeless kiss in the middle of Times Square – make your dreams come true this summer in the City of Dreams.